Escape the ordinary

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Article 1 - Definitions.
In these terms and conditions, the following definitions shall apply:

1. Entrepreneur: the natural or legal person who offers products and/or services to consumers at a distance;
2. Consumer: the natural person who is not acting in the exercise of profession or business and enters into a distance contract with the entrepreneur;
3. Distance contract: an agreement whereby, within the framework of a by the entrepreneur
system organized by the entrepreneur for distance selling of products and / or services, up to and including the
conclusion of the agreement exclusive use is made of one or more techniques for
distance communication;
4. Technique for distance communication: means that can be used for concluding
an agreement, without the consumer and entrepreneur being in the same room simultaneously
come together;
5. Reflection period: the period within which the consumer can exercise his right of withdrawal;
6. Right of withdrawal: the possibility for the consumer to waive the
distance contract;
7. Day: calendar day; 8;
8. Duration transaction: a distance contract relating to a series of products and/or
services, the delivery and/or purchase obligation of which is spread over time;
9. Durable medium: any means that enables the consumer or entrepreneur to store
information that is addressed to him personally, to store in a way that future
consultation and unaltered reproduction of the stored information.

Article 2 - Identity of the entrepreneur
Hertogensingel 61
5341 AB Oss
Chamber of Commerce 53751582
VAT no. NL 165548885B02
Bank: ING 758019165IBAN/SEPA: NL25INGB0758019165

Article 3 - Applicability
1. These general conditions apply to any offer from the entrepreneur and any
concluded at a distance between entrepreneur and consumer.
2. Before the remote agreement is concluded, the text of these general
conditions is made available to the consumer. If this is not reasonably possible
Before the remote agreement is concluded, it will be indicated that the general
conditions at the entrepreneur to see and they are at the consumer's request as soon as possible
be sent free of charge as soon as possible.
3. If the distance contract is concluded electronically, notwithstanding the previous paragraph
and before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general conditions
electronically to the consumer be made available in such a way that
by the consumer in a simple manner can be stored on a durable
data carrier. If this is not reasonably possible, before the remote agreement
is concluded, be indicated where the general conditions electronically
can be viewed and that at the request of the consumer electronically or
otherwise will be sent free of charge.
4. In case in addition to these general conditions also specific product or
5. Where specific product or service conditions apply in addition to these general
In case of contradictory general terms and conditions, the consumer can always rely on the applicable provision that
the applicable provision that is most favorable to him.

Article 4 - The offer
1. If an offer has a limited period of validity or is made subject to conditions, this will be
expressly stated in the offer.
2. The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the offered products
and/or services. The description is sufficiently detailed to allow a proper assessment of the offer by the consumer.
offer by the consumer as possible. If the entrepreneur uses
images are a true reflection of the products and / or services offered.
services. Obvious mistakes or errors in the offer do not bind the entrepreneur.
The plastrons & swarovski decorations are handmade which may result in the delivered product (slightly) differ
may differ from that shown in the pictures.
3. Each offer contains such information, that for the consumer is clear what the rights and
obligations which are attached to the acceptance of the offer. This concerns in particular
in particular:

- The price including taxes;
- any costs of delivery;
- the way in which the agreement will be concluded and which actions are necessary to achieve this
are required;
- whether or not the right of withdrawal is applicable;
- the method of payment, delivery or performance of the agreement;
- the period for accepting the offer, or the period for adhering to the price
- the size of the tariff for distance communication if the costs of using
the technique for distance communication are calculated on a basis other than the
basic rate;
- if the agreement is archived after conclusion, in what way it can be consulted by
the consumer to consult;
- the manner in which the consumer before the conclusion of the agreement by him not
may become aware of acts not wanted by him, as well as the way he can
rectify these before the agreement is concluded
- any languages other than Dutch in which the contract can be concluded;
- the behavioral codes to which the entrepreneur is subject and the way the
consumer can consult these codes of conduct electronically; and
- The minimum duration of the distance contract in the event of a contract that involves
to continuous or periodic delivery of products or services.

Article 5 - The Agreement
1. The agreement comes about, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4, at the moment of
acceptance by the consumer of the offer and the fulfillment of the accompanying
2. If the consumer has electronically accepted the offer, the
3. If the consumer has accepted the offer electronically, the trader will immediately confirm receipt of electronic acceptance of the offer.
offer. As long as the receipt of this acceptance has not been confirmed, the consumer can dissolve the
dissolve the agreement.
4. If the agreement is concluded electronically, the entrepreneur will take appropriate technical and
organizational measures to protect the electronic transmission of data and he ensures a secure web environment.
for a secure web environment. If the consumer can pay electronically, the entrepreneur will
observe appropriate security measures.
5. The entrepreneur can - within legal frameworks - inform himself whether the consumer can fulfill
meet his payment obligations, as well as all those facts and factors that are important for a responsible conclusion of the agreement.
for a responsible conclusion of the distance contract. If the entrepreneur on the basis of
this investigation has good grounds not to enter into the agreement, he is entitled
motivated to refuse an order or application or to connect special conditions to the implementation.
attach special conditions.
6. The entrepreneur will include with the product or service to the consumer the following information, in writing
or in such a way that it can be easily stored by the consumer on a
stored on a durable data carrier:
a. the visiting address of the establishment of the entrepreneur where the consumer can go with complaints
can go to;
b. the conditions under which and the way in which the consumer can make use of the right of withdrawal.
right of withdrawal, or a clear notification as to the exclusion of the
right of withdrawal;
c. the information on existing after-sales services and guarantees;
d. the data included in article 4 paragraph 3 of these terms and conditions, unless the entrepreneur has already provided these
data already provided to the consumer before the execution of the agreement;
e. the requirements for terminating the agreement if the agreement has a duration of
more than one year or is of indefinite duration.
7. If the entrepreneur has undertaken to deliver a series of products or services
the provision in the previous paragraph applies only to the first delivery.
8. The Entrepreneur reserves the right not to accept orders or assignments without giving reasons or only under deviating conditions. If the order can only be executed under different conditions, the Customer has the right to cancel the order.

Article 6a - Right of withdrawal on delivery of products
1. When purchasing products, the Consumer has the option to dissolve the agreement without
This period commences on the day after receipt of the product by or on behalf of the consumer.
With the exception of SALE articles, articles from our Sale (clearance) can NOT be returned and/or exchanged.
2. During this period, the consumer will handle the product and its packaging with care. He
will only unpack or use the product to the extent necessary to be able to
assess whether he wishes to keep the product. If he uses his right of withdrawal
he will return the product with all delivered accessories and - if reasonably possible - in the original
original condition and packaging to the entrepreneur, in accordance with the
entrepreneur provided reasonable and clear instructions.

Article 6b - Right of withdrawal in case of delivery of services
1. In case of delivery of services, the consumer has the possibility of dissolving the agreement without
to dissolve the agreement without giving any reason during seven working days, starting on the day of entering into the agreement.
2. To make use of his right of withdrawal, the consumer will comply with the
entrepreneur in the offer and / or no later than the delivery provided reasonable and clear instructions.
instructions.Article 6c - Right of withdrawal in case of delivery of custom-made products
3. Our Plastrons, decorations with crystal on rider and/or horse items, are made by hand, especially for you.
Hereby the right of withdrawal expires. This also applies to Customized items of the brands Animo & ASUP these items are also specially made for you.

Article 7 - Costs in case of withdrawal
4. If the consumer makes use of his right of withdrawal, at most the cost of
return at his expense.
5. If the consumer has paid an amount, the entrepreneur will this amount including the shipping costs as soon as possible
As soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the return or cancellation, refund.

Article 8 - Exclusion of right of withdrawal.
1. The trader can exclude the consumer's right of withdrawal to the extent provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3. The exclusion of the right of withdrawal applies only if the entrepreneur has clearly stated this in the offer, at least in time for the conclusion of the agreement.
2. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for products:
(a) that have been created by the entrepreneur in accordance with the specifications of the
b) that are clearly personal in nature;
c) that cannot be returned due to their nature;
d) which spoil or age quickly;
e) whose price is subject to fluctuations in the financial market which are beyond the
entrepreneur has no influence;
f) for individual newspapers and magazines;
g) for audio and video recordings and computer software of which the consumer has broken the seal.
has broken the seal.
3. Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for services:
(a) concerning accommodation, transportation, restaurant business or leisure activities to be performed on a
certain date or during a certain period;b) the delivery of which commenced with the express consent of the consumer before the
reflection period has expired;
c) concerning betting and lotteries.

Article 9 - The Price
1. During the validity period mentioned in the offer, the prices of the offered
products and/or services are not increased, except for price changes due to changes in
VAT rates.
2. Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, the entrepreneur may offer products or services whose prices are
are subject to fluctuations in the financial market and on which the entrepreneur has no influence.
has no influence on, with variable prices. This link to fluctuations and the fact that
any mentioned prices are target prices, are mentioned with the offer.
3. Price increases within 3 months after the conclusion of the contract are only
allowed if they are the result of statutory regulations or provisions.
4. Price increases from 3 months after the conclusion of the agreement are only allowed
allowed if the entrepreneur has stipulated it and:
a) they are the result of legal regulations or stipulations; or
b) the consumer is authorized to terminate the contract on the day on which the price
price increase takes effect.
5. The prices mentioned in the offer of products or services include VAT.

Article 10 - Conformity and Warranty
1. The entrepreneur guarantees that the products and / or services meet the contract, the specifications
specifications listed in the offer, to the reasonable requirements of reliability and / or usability and the
usability and the existing legal provisions and/or government regulations on the date of conclusion of the contract.
statutory provisions and/or government regulations.
2. Our quality standard is very high, orders are always checked for inaccuracies before they are sent.
A guarantee is given on the decoration with Austrian crystal . Clear maintenance instructions are sent with the product, such as washing instructions. In the unlikely event that something is wrong, please contact us.
3. A guarantee scheme offered by the entrepreneur, manufacturer or importer does not affect
to the rights and claims of the consumer in respect of a shortcoming in the performance of the obligations of
of the obligations of the entrepreneur against the entrepreneur can assert under
the law and/or the remote agreement.
4. If a product is presented for repair that, in the opinion of the Entrepreneur, has sustained damage attributable to an act or omission by the Buyer or is otherwise at the Buyer's risk, the Entrepreneur shall notify the Buyer in writing (by letter or e-mail). Any costs of repair shall be at the expense of the Buyer and shall be calculated in accordance with Ondernemer's usual hourly rates, valid for the period in which the work is performed, unless a different hourly rate has been agreed upon.

Article 11 - Delivery and execution.
1. The entrepreneur will take the greatest possible care when receiving
and in the execution of orders of products and in assessing applications for the
provision of services.
1A. strives to process all orders as quickly as possible. We aim for a maximum of 7 business days (for Caps) For our Plastrons and other orders, delivery time is +/- 4 to 6 weeks. In busy periods with many events, delivery time may be longer.
2. The place of delivery is the address that the consumer has made known to the company.
3. Subject to what is stated in this regard in article 4 of these general terms and conditions,
All (delivery) times mentioned by the Company will be approximate. They have been determined on the basis of the data and circumstances known to the Company at the time the Agreement was concluded. Stated delivery periods will never be considered a deadline. If a change in the data and/or circumstances results in a delay, regardless of its foreseeability, the delivery date will be delayed accordingly. The Customer will be notified of this as soon as possible.
4. Exceeding the delivery period(s) specified by the Entrepreneur, for whatever reason, shall never entitle the Buyer to compensation or non-performance of any of its obligations under the relevant agreement.
5. If delivery of an ordered product proves impossible, the Entrepreneur will contact the Customer (by e-mail or letter).
6. If it is decided to dissolve the Agreement, the Entrepreneur will refund the amount paid by the Consumer as soon as possible, but at the latest within 30 days after dissolution.

Article 12 - Payment
1. To the extent not subsequently agreed by the consumer amounts payable by the
Pay Pal, IDEAL, Mister Cash, Sofort Banküberweising or prepayment. With advance payment the making of a Plastron and / or Swarovski ornamentation is not started until the amount due is credited to the account of Other products are also sent only when payment is received.
2. In the sale of products to consumers in general conditions may never be a
In the sale of products to consumers may in general conditions never be stipulated an advance payment of more than 50%. When prepayment is stipulated, the
consumer may not assert any rights regarding the implementation of the order or service
order or service(s), before the stipulated advance payment has been made.
3. The consumer has the duty to inaccuracies in payment data provided or mentioned
4. In case of non-payment by the consumer, the entrepreneur is entitled to charge reasonable costs, made known in advance to the consumer.

Article 13 - Complaints procedure
1. The entrepreneur has a sufficiently publicized complaints procedure and handles
the complaint in accordance with this complaints procedure.
2. Complaints about the implementation of the agreement must be within reasonable time, fully and
clearly described and submitted to the entrepreneur, after the consumer has found the defects.
has established.
3. Complaints submitted to the entrepreneur within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt.
the date of receipt. If a complaint is a foreseeable longer processing time
If a complaint requires a foreseeable longer processing time, the entrepreneur will respond within the period of 14 days with a notice
receipt and an indication of when the consumer can expect a more detailed answer.
4. If the complaint cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, a dispute arises that is subject to the dispute settlement procedure.
5. In case of complaints, a consumer should first turn to the entrepreneur. For complaints that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer should turn to Stichting WebwinkelKeur (, which will mediate free of charge. If there is still no solution, the consumer has the option of having his complaint handled by the independent arbitration board appointed by Stichting WebwinkelKeur, the decision is binding and both entrepreneur and consumer agree to this binding decision. To submit a dispute to this dispute committee are costs associated that the consumer has to pay to the committee. It is also possible to submit complaints via the European ODR platform (
6.A complaint does not suspend the obligations of the entrepreneur, unless the entrepreneur indicates otherwise in writing.
7. If a complaint is found to be justified by the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur will, at his discretion, either replace or repair the delivered products free of charge.

Article 14 - Additional or different provisions
1. Additional provisions or provisions deviating from these general conditions may not be to the
disadvantage of the consumer and should be recorded in writing or in such a way that they
way that they can be stored by the consumer in an accessible way on a durable medium.
a durable data carrier.
2. The Entrepreneur is not liable, either under the law or under the Agreement, for so-called consequential damage that the Customer or a third party may suffer in respect of (the use of) the products.

Article 15- LIABILITY
Geblingt is not liable for compensation of any damage, direct or indirect, of whatever nature, to persons or property:
* If the product turns out not to be suitable for the purpose for which it was purchased
* Through use of the product by the client or by third parties, except in case of intent or fault of the supplier, to be proven by the client.

Article 16 - Applicable law
1. Any agreement between the Supplier and the Customer is governed by Dutch law.